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  • sydt0731

December SDA Plan

Collaboration, one of the 5C's, is something I tend to struggle with sometimes. I like being independent because I know that I can always rely on myself, giving me a sense of security. However, I think this class is about getting out of your comfort zone. So, for this month, I have decided to collaborate with Rashmina Sayeeda for our SDA.

Rashmina’s topic of research in healthcare and ethics while my topic for this month’s research is FDA regulation of dietary supplements. Our general plan is to create a podcast where we bring the two topics together. We have a few ideas we would like to discuss: how does the FDA approve of products, how ethical is the FDA approval process, what loopholes are there in FDA laws, and what are the consequences/repercussions of the lack of regulation of products. We will probably record the podcast sometime next week or the week after.

I think that our topics this month complement each other especially since this is the most “political” topic I will research this year. The style of the podcast will be like a talk show; I think it will end up being more of an in-depth conversation rather than something like a debate or argumentative-style. Overall, I am excited to work with Rashmina and I think that this month’s SDA will be quite intriguing.

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