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December SDA Reflection

1) What did I do to succeed with this task?

I think what the best success from this month’s SDA was the collaboration between Rashmina and me. We spent a lot of time mulling over what to talk about and I think our topics of ethics in health care and FDA regulations molded perfectly together in the end. I really loved how casual the podcast was and how the conversation flowed well without sounding scripted.

2) How did I overcome the challenges I faced?

The main challenge I overcame was getting used to the podcasting style of presenting my work. To be honest, I would much rather give a live presentation than to record my voice into the computer. However, I think I did much better in this podcast than my last one.

3) Did I meet my own standards for a quality product?

I definitely met and surpassed my standards for this SDA. Originally, I had no idea there was a podcast set up in the library; my plan was to record a podcast on our phones and then edit on our phones quickly and then turn it in. The production quality of this podcast exceeded

my expectations.

4) What do I still need to work on?

I think I still need to work on preparing more on the podcast so that I can avoid circumlocution of speech. A more detailed outline of what to mention in the podcast would have helped instead of just having my research document open.

5) How might I do it differently?

I think next time Rashmina and I collaborate, I would like to try a debate, where we each take a side of a controversial issue in the healthcare industry. We could each research our side separately and then come together to debate.

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