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  • sydt0731

March 6th Goal Post

For this month’s SDA, my goal was to try to answer a very specific question by gathering as much scientific evidence as possible. I wanted to answer this question: which is as a better cough suppressant and/or cough medicine, honey or dextromethorphan (DX)? So far from my studies, my claim would be that honey seems to be just as and often, more effective than DX. However, I still need to research more on the topic because from the studies I’ve read, it seems that there is not much background knowledge of how either honey or DX combat coughing and/or colds (even one of the studies I’ve read was inconclusive on whether honey or DX was better although honey outperformed DX in every category tested, like cough frequency, based on the data collected).

My plan for this SDA is to emphasize creativity. This “C” is one that I seem to be lacking a lot on my past SDAs, so I wanted to put myself out of my comfort zone for this SDA. I am going to use Prezi as a way to create visuals to compare honey and DX. Within the Prezi, I am going to incorporate snippets of audio of me discussing the topic in further detail. In a way, it is like a virtual presentation.

I also would like to collaborate with Mrs. McTiernan by having a conversation with her about her thoughts on the topic of honey vs. DX but also her perspective on the debate between natural vs. synthetic. Since she is a pharmacy teacher at this school, I’m sure she would have some very insightful input on this topic. I hope to record our conversation and incorporate parts of it within the Prezi.

Hopefully, I will enjoy using Prezi and be able to deliver my information with a sufficient amount of backing.

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