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March SDA Reflection

In this month’s SDA, I tried to focus on creativity. I feel like I always say that for all my SDAs, but I continue to be disappointed with my creativity after every SDA. This SDA still has room for improvement but I will not debase my efforts on trying to enhance the creativity of my project. I tried to use a new presentation program, Prezi, to incorporate more visuals into my project. I also tried to add an audio clip to my conclusion. Although I found the program hard to work with since it slowed my computer down, I do like the result. I do wish I had more wiggle room for creativity since a lot of the add-on features I wanted were not free, but I worked with what I had. I think I should have left myself more time to get used to the program instead of leaving it to the last few days before the due date. This made it even more frustrating to try to complete my project even though I had my research done before that.

I am pleased with choosing such a specific topic. I feel like it gave me a concrete foundation to start from and prevented a vague topic from ruining my research. I got to finally use empirical data in one of my SDAs. Even though my topic of research for this year is scientific originally, I feel like all my arguments and evidence has been lacking pure data and experiments. I learned that honey is a better cough suppressant than dextromethorphan (DX) not because people just said it was but by looking at multiple studies conducted. This made my work more sophisticated in a sense. I also got to learn, from a biological perspective, how exactly both honey and DX prevent coughing and colds. I can now use this data in my final product for the symposium. I may not focus specifically on honey and DX, but I can use the conclusions from the studies to show an example of natural medicine being better than over-the-counter drugs. One of the common criticisms I usually get from my SDAs is that people want more hard logos. Hopefully, if I can gather more information like this, it will exceed expectations for everyone.

My goal moving forward towards the symposium is to find out what exactly I am going to talk about as my big finale for the year. Mrs. Gergen suggested reflecting on how I combatted my ignorance this year and how other people can as well. Nothing is concrete yet but I plan to have a firm idea soon. I would also like to look more into the history of over-the-counter drugs and how we made the transition from natural to synthetic.

Dextromethorphan vs Honey Citations (APA)

Andersen, D. (2008, July 1). Honey as a treatment for coughing. Dynamic Chiropractic, 26(14),

Antimicrobials. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from

Antioxidants: In Depth. (2016, May 4). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from

Chen, D.-Y., Song, P.-S., Hong, J.-S., Chu, C.-L., Pan, I.-H., Chen, Y.-M., ...Lin, C.-C. (2013).

Dextromethorphan inhibits activations and functions in dendritic cells. Journal of Immunology Research, 2013. Retrieved from

Dextromethorphan Prices, Coupons & Patient Assistance Programs. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from

Drugs, C. on. (1997, June 1). Use of Codeine- and Dextromethorphan-Containing Cough

Remedies in Children. Retrieved March 19, 2020, from

Gaby, A. R. (2011, February-March). Honey for coughing due to respiratory tract infections.

Hajar, Rachel. "History of medicine." Heart Views, vol. 3, no. 4, 2002, p. 10. Gale OneFile:

Honey Works Better Than Cough Medicine. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from

Honey, Dextromethorphan, and No Treatment in Children with Cough. (2008, August 1).

National Honey Report . (2020, February 25). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from

Puchetti, V., Faccini, G. B., Micciolo, R., Ghimenton, F., Bertrand, C., & Zatti, N. (1994, February). Dextromethorphan test for evaluation of congenital predisposition to lung cancer. Chest, 105(2), 449+. Retrieved from

Shadkam, M. N., Mozaffari-Khosravi, H., & Mozayan, M. R. (2010, July). A comparison of the

effect of honey, dextromethorphan, and diphenhydramine on nightly cough and sleep quality in children and their parents. Retrieved March 19, 2020, from

Sohn, Emily. "Healing honey." Science News for Kids, 6 Feb. 2008. Gale OneFile: Health and

Spangler, D. C., Loyd, C. M., & Skor, E. E. (2016). Dextromethorphan: a case study on addressing abuse of a safe and effective drug. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 11(1). Retrieved from

Why Dark Honey Is Better for Your Health. (2016, March 26). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from

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