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  • sydt0731

Person, Place, Thing Rubric Reflection

I believe that I exceed expectations for storytelling ability because the "testimonies" give in detail how my mom got bit, the healing process, and what happened afterwards. The person is my mom, the place is the plane going to Hawaii, and the thing is the spider. It's a connection to my project is the natural foods and products (potatoes, onions, and PRID salve) that my dad relied on to draw the venom out of the bite.

I believe that my piece exceeds expectations for creative lens/authenticity because the story was completely authentic and quite weird/interesting. To be honest I completely forgot about how my mom got bit by a spider because it was so long ago but it immediately came to mind when I was thinking about the project. The "crime case" format came to me when I was falling asleep which is when the best ideas are created for me.

I believe that I nailed the connection with the audience part because the story is easy to follow, and the testimonies of the characters and their relations connect each other to create an overall story by taking their perspectives and combining them. However, I don't think that the story is super relatable because I don't think that many people have ever gotten bit by a poisonous spider before and know about how to take care of it.

I believe both my timeliness and collaboration exceeds expectations. For timeliness, I had my project done at least a week before the due date and was interviewing people a couple of weeks before I finished it, plus I turned it in on time. For collaboration, I had Gary Lvov leave a comment and look my piece over and I had my dad read it for fact-checking and grammar.

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